Root Carving

Issuing time:2020-06-10 00:00

Root carving is based on the self generated and distorted forms of tree roots (including tree bodies, tree knobs, bamboo roots, etc.) as the objects of artistic creation. Through the conception, artistic processing and technological processing, people, animals, utensils and other artistic image works are created. Root carving art is a plastic art that discovers natural beauty and shows creative processing. The socalled "three point artificial, sevenpoint natural" means that in the creation of root carving, most of the natural forms of root materials should be used to express the artistic image, and a small amount of manual art Handling decoration, therefore, root carving is also called "the art of root" or "root art".

Root carving

Tel: 0414-6358366         Fax: 0414-6358366
Address: Guanmen Mountain, Xiaoshi Town, Benxi Manchu Autonomous County, Benxi City, Liaoning Province